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P Diddy complicit in Michael Jackson’s disappearance? A chilling theory emerges from the web: here’s what it is

The P Diddy case is making headlines all over the world and a long series of conspiracy theories are advancing day by day.One above all concerns the chilling correlation between the death of Michael Jackson and the rapper Diddywhich, in all of this, would have played a key role. Let’s find out more!

Putting Diddy in an even more uncomfortable position is certainly the theory that he is involved in the disappearance of American singer-songwriter Michael Jackson . In fact, on the web, there is nothing but talk of the role that the rapper and, specifically, his head of security allegedly had on the night of Jackson’s death.It all started with the complaint of producer Rodney “ Lil Rod ” Jones. The latter recently sued P Diddy for groping and unsolicited sexual contact , but not only that. The man was allegedly forced to procure drugs and sex workers to satisfy Combs’ pleasures. Among the names of the collaborators present in Jones’ complaint, one in particular stands out: Faheem Muhammad . Let’s see who he is and what he has to do with MJ.

P Diddy, Faheem Muhammad and the passing of Michael Jackson

Faheem Muhammad is none other than Diddy’s head of security who, according to Jones, would have used his contacts with the police to cover up over the years the facts that we all now know about. It is important to remember that Faheem has always been one of P Diddy’s trusted men , the one in charge of “solving all his problems”. Well,Muhammad himself was once Michael Jackson’s head of security, right at the time of his greatest success. The man would have been by the singer’s side until the last moment of his life. Furthermore, according to rumors, MJ would have been aware of Combs’ “shady dealings” and it seems that he was about to report them to the FBI.

As it happens, Faheem was the second person to enter the room where Jackson was present, the night in 2009 when he had taken a lethal dose of drugs . A suspicious intake and, according to many, premeditated by the doctor: Conrad Murray. It is thought, in fact, that the singer’s death had been “commissioned” to get rid of a character who, by then, had become quite uncomfortable . The reason? The artist had started a war against the multinational Sony and had also sued Universal. Moreover,The CEO of Universal is reportedly one of the names in the investigation into Diddy, as well as one of the alleged accomplices with knowledge of what was happening at the parties.All a coincidence?

A suspicious video emerges from the web

Among the various conjectures circulating online, a video has also emerged containing an interview given by Diddy a few years ago. In the clip, the rapper is seen in the company of Kim Porter , who died in 2018, his partner from 1994 to 2007 and mother of three of his children. During the interview,the journalist asks Diddy for his thoughts on the Michael Jackson tragedy and he replies: ” he is a person who changed my life “. Well, at that very moment the partner turns around, rolls her eyes and moves out of the frame. A coincidence? Obviously there are no certainties, these are just hypotheses that emerged from the most attentive users.

In short, the connection between Michael Jackson’s death and Puff Daddy is still quite uncertain. On the other hand,we are talking about one of the many theories that, in fact, contains some suspicious key points but absolutely insufficient to be incriminating. What is good to do at the moment is to focus only on the real accusations against the rapper which, as we know, are equally serious and witnessed by real people and facts.

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