Baba Vanga and Nostradamus made the same concerning predictions for 2025

If these famous psychics are right, we’re in for a hellish 12 months

Another year, another set of absolutely terrifying predictions from long-gone psychics uncovered.

Whether you believe them or not, a number of ancient fortunetellers have gone down in history for their apparent ability to predict the future.

Among the most famous is blind Bulgarian Baba Vanga. Despite dying in 1996, she apparently foresaw some pretty major events, including 9/11, Princess Diana’s death, and the election of Barack Obama as US President.

Meanwhile, French astrologer Nostradamus, who lived in the 16th century, is credited for predicting the rise of Adolf Hitler, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombings, and the Great Fire of London.

Both have made some pretty unsettling forecasts for 2025. Nostradamus has had visions of an underwater empire and a rising shadow cult, while Baba Vanga reckons telepathy will become real in the coming months.

There are a couple of predictions both psychics have made though. And they’re not at all promising.

Both mystics reckon another deadly war will break out in Europe next year. Nostradamus told of how ‘those from the lands of Europe’ will be involved in ‘cruel wars,’ ominously adding: “The ancient plague will be worse than enemies.”

Baba Vanga made a similar prediction for 2025, claiming conflict in Europe would ‘devastate’ the population.

Nostradamus was a 16th-century French fortuneteller (Photo by Hulton Archive/Getty Images)

Looking at the positives, though, Nostradamus signaled the end of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, hinting that involvement from either France or Turkey could put a stop to things.

Elsewhere, the fortunetellers have warned us to gear up for some extraterrestrial encounters. Baba Vanga suggested aliens will show up at a major sporting event – new Super Bowl half time act, anyone?

She also predicted some kind of ‘martian war’ would kick off, which is a pretty unsettling prospect.

Nostradamus, meanwhile, has made reference to a colossal asteroid known as the ‘Harbinger of Fate’. Yikes.

Maybe our martian war will blitz it out the atmosphere.

And if it’s not a comet that wipes us out, it could be our new ‘Aquatic Empire’ overlords. Nostradamus claims major cities will be devastated by flooding, with a mysterious leader emerging to declare a new world order. Great.

It’s not all doom and gloom though. Assuming we survive these Earth-shattering events, we might live to see Lewis Hamilton win his eighth F1 championship. That’s according to Baba Vanga, who died when Hamilton was just 11 years old.

In other good news, scientists will finally be able to grow human organs in labs, helping to extend our life expectancy.

What a rollercoaster.

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