Document Shares Details Of Attack By Dak Prescott’s Dog In Victim’s Own Words

A newly-released document explains from the victim’s point of view, what happened when she was bit by one of Dallas Cowboys’ quarterback Dak Prescott’s dog in February.She said in a written statement to Frisco Animal Control, Prescott’s dog, Icon, “had ahold” of one of her dogs and as she tried to free him, the dogs bit her hand “several times removing the tip of (her) finger.”

Dak Prescott's dog, Icon
Dak Prescott’s dog, Icon (Frisco Police bodycam)

The woman said her dogs went to the fence in her backyard to investigate barking coming from Prescott’s yard.

When she went out there, she said two pit bulls were on the other side of my fence, barking and growling and trying to get in her yard.

“Over the next 20 minutes, the pit bulls began eating and tearing at my fence to the point they could get their head in the fence,” she wrote in the Animal Bite Report.  “I attempted to retrieve my dogs, however the aggression from the situation escalated to the point the brown pit bull had ahold of one of my dogs. I attempted to free him and the dog bit my hand.”

The victim said she chased the dogs into the street while calling 911.

She ended up spending four days in the hospital and had IV treatment for two weeks.

Frisco Police dashcam video shows two of Prescott’s dogs wandering around in the street near his home after the incident.

Dak Prescott's dogs
Dak Prescott’s dogs – the one of the left is Icon (Frisco Police dashcam)

The brown and white dog on the left is Icon, the dog that bit the woman.

An image also shows the damage she said the dogs did to her fence.

fence damage
Fence damage said to have been done by Dak Prescott’s dog(s) (Frisco Police)

Here is the hand-written statement on the Animal Bite Report to Frisco Animal Control:

Statement to Frisco Animal Control by Dak Prescott dog bite victim
Statement to Frisco Animal Control by Dak Prescott dog bite victim

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